Why The London Genetics Centre is an important choice

Why The London Genetics Centre is an important choice The main causes of serious illness and premature death are Heart disease and Cancer. The incidence of both conditions is determined to a large extent by genetics and other risk factors. The London Genetics Centre has chosen a team of geneticists and physicians from The Institute…

The Next Generation Medical

The Next Generation Medical What are actionable genes and why is it helpful to identify them? A crucial part of healthy population screening is choosing of the right actionable gene list. ‘Actionable genes’ are genes in which inherited alterations are associated with a significant, but preventable, disease risk. Our team has carefully chosen over 650…

Whole Genome Screening at The London Genetics Centre

Whole Genome Screening at The London Genetics Centre (Click to enlarge) Whole Genome Screening Pathway The Practicalities – How is it done? The journey begins with a full Medical at 90 Sloane Street or an accepted approved GP partner centre which fulfils our protocol. This includes a full history of current and past illnesses, together…

Which Key Actionable Genes will we be testing for?

Which Key Actionable Genes will we be testing for? Cancer genes – examples: Breast cancer: We screen for 15 different breast cancer genes, alterations in which put patients at up to 2-8 times the normal population risk. If you have an alteration in such genes, the age of starting breast screening and its frequency would…

The different Genetic Tests explained

The different Genetic Tests explained Gene Sequencing involves detecting the DNA building blocks (nucleotides) of an individual’s genetic code. Sanger sequencing was originally used but is time consuming and expensive and it would take years to sequence all of a person’s DNA- known as their Genome. Next-Generation sequencing has sped up the process, taking only…