How long do the results take?

12-18 weeks from the time of sending off your blood; you will receive an email to let you know your results are available. All results are given in a face to face consultation, although in exceptional circumstances we can conduct a consultation by video-call.

Is our whole genome screening safe and accurate?    

We have spent 2 years in development, planning the logistics of every step of the   process, harnessing the wisdom and experience of our world expert genetics colleagues.

Many commercial tests are designed for research/interest purposes only, and cannot be used for clinical care, as they are not undertaken with the same depth and quality control. Our whole genome sequencing test is carried out in carefully selected diagnostic laboratories. We also use blood tests as they reduce the occasional failure of using saliva.

All results are seen by our consultant geneticists. Abnormal results are discussed at a multi-disciplinary meeting of several consultant geneticists, to access the greatest knowledge and best advice.

Will I be advised on my treatment options? Will I be obliged to follow that treatment and will treatment be included in the cost?

Your response to the advice given is entirely yours, and your information is confidential.

Further screening and any treatments are not included in the cost.

Should you discuss results with your family if you have an actionable gene result?

Where you can do something to lower risk for yourself, in general terms it is usually advisable to share this knowledge with family members at an appropriate age. They can potentially benefit from the findings and our genetic counsellors will help with this process.